Wiki/Film Development

Film Development

Black and White

Black and white film development can be daunting to beginners, and while it does require a bunch of tools and new items, the actual process is not any more difficult than baking bread. Further black and white film is enormously flexible and while you can really dial in the process to get precisely the results you want, even with a lot of variation you're likely to get useable results. As an example I once accidently cut my dilution of HC-110 in half and, while my film was very thin, I was still able to scan usable images.



Before hand


Notes on Black and White Development

This is only a starting point, as you'll discover there are endless variations on this process and this is just one that works for me. Some places to explore if you want to do some adventuring would be to play with different film and developer combinations (Other good developers to try would be Rodinal, Xtol, and D76). Another avenue would be to research the zone development process for contrast expansion and contraction as well as film testing. But mostly this is presented as a way to get your feet wet and start to get some results.

C-41 Film Development

See DIY Recipe at DIY C-41 Developer