Wiki/DIY C-41 Developer

DIY C-41 Developer

Found via Andrew O'Neill on photrio, which linked to the Bona Volta page. This page further sources a post by William Laut on dated August, 27th 1999. The post is once again copied here for posterity.

Note: Hydroxylamine Sulfate is a corrosive, hazardous substance! It will cause chemicals burns and can stain when alkaline. Be careful not to get any on your skin. Read the MSDS carefully for handling instructions.


Mix and bring solution to 1L with distilled water.

Stop Bath

Mix to form 1L solution

Blix (Bleach & Fix)

Mix and bring solution to 1L with distilled water.


Mix and bring solution to 1L with distilled water.


Mix and bring solution to 1L with distilled water.


Mix and bring solution to 1L with distilled water

Blix Process

Bleach and Fix Process
